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Digitization at SAS and Jeraisy Computer & Communication Services

SAS and Jeraisy Computer & Communication

SAS and Jeraisy computer & Communication services, spearheaded the digital transformation by introducing the Analytics and AI to Every Business Across KSA.

On 06 December 2022 SAS, a leader in analytics and AI, declared its association with Jeraisy Computer and Communication Services. Under this new collaboration, the two companies strives to empower and inspire the clientele in Saudi Arabia lead the change towards the Kingdom’s ambitious Vision 2030 and onwards, with advanced analytics and AI acting as catalyst.

Jeraisy Computer and Communication Services( JCCS) was established in the 1983 and provides information technology( IT), telecommunications, Internet, and managed services, with a strong emphasis on systems integration and framework services systems. The development of cutting- edge technology in Saudi Arabia has always been JCCS’s top precedence, and it can clearly be observed in the company’s significant donation to the Kingdom’s aim to be self sufficient in developing technology.

The National Strategy for Digital Transformation is one of the crucial factor for achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. With SAS’s extensive portfolio of analytics and AI solution, JCCS will assist the Saudi Arabian clients in digitally tranforming their businesses, via data- driven strategies and intelligent decisioning. With solid foundations grounded on data analytics, JCSS clients can introduce new operations to address business challenges, building resilience against disruptive events, unveiling the new business opportunities and sparking green invention, since Vision 2030 places sustainability at its core.

SAS will continue to help companies in the Kingdom make better, data- driven approach, accelerating growth and invention, & building a brighter future.

About SAS:

SAS is the leader in analytics. Through innovative software and services, SAS empowers and inspires clients around the world transforming data into intelligence. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW ®
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